QA-MISRA in 90 Sekunden

Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einem statischen Analysetool für die Einhaltung von Programmierstandards in C/C++?

Sehen Sie sich dieses Video an und erfahren Sie in nur 90 Sekunden, wie leistungsstark und schnell QA-MISRA Ihren C/C++-Code analysiert, um die Einhaltung von Programmierstandards wie MISRA, AUTOSAR C++14, CERT, CWE und weitere sicherzustellen.

Cantata Updating a Deployment

Cantata Updating a Deployment

You might have active target deployments for use on production- or development hardware or a simulation environment.
After installation of a new Cantata version you will want to ensure that these existing deployments still work as expected and that you can continue with your tests on the target without interruption. Any changes to registered deployment configurations will need to be verified by QA-Systems so that an updated deployment checksum can be issued for certification compliance.

In summary, the process of doing this consists of:
 Loading the existing deployment into the Cantata Deployment Editor
 Rebuilding the library
 Verifying the deployment tests are still being passed
 Repackaging the deployment
 Requesting a new checksum

These steps ensure that everything still works exactly as expected and the deployment is current.
This tech note will go through each of the steps to show how this can be done swiftly and efficiently.

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Cantata Use with Windows® Subsystem for Linux® (WSL)

Cantata Use with Windows® Subsystem for Linux® (WSL)

This Technical note provides an overview of using Cantata, including GUI functionality, with the Windows® Subsystem for Linux® (WSL) to provide a Linux developer environment on Windows® PCs.

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QA-MISRA Compliance Matrices for CWE, SEI CERT C/C++, JSF AV C++, ISO/IEC TS 17961:2013 & HIS Metrics

QA-MISRA Compliance Matrices for CWE, SEI CERT C/C++, JSF AV C++, ISO/IEC TS 17961:2013 & HIS Metrics

QA-MISRA is a robust static analyzer designed to identify and rectify coding guideline violations, ensuring software safety and security. It adheres to international standards such as MISRA-C:2004, MISRA-C:2012, MISRA-C++:2008, AUTOSAR C++14, ISO/IEC TS 17961:2013, CERT, JSF AV C++, and CWE rule sets. Additionally, it includes coding style rules and HIS-Metrics thresholds.

This document provides a helpful overview of static analysis capabilities in QA-MISRA for assessing compliance with various coding guidelines, standards, and metrics. Support is strongest for MISRA CWE, SEI CERT C/C++, JSF AV C++ and ISO/IEC TS 17961:2013 & HIS rules.

  • The document provides compliance matrices for several coding guidelines including CWE, SEI CERT C/C++, JSF AV C++, and ISO/IEC TS 17961:2013.
  • For CWE, 25 of 183 rules (14%) are checked.
  • For SEI CERT C, 103 of 285 rules (36%) are checked. For SEI CERT C++, 47 of 163 rules (28%) are checked.
  • For JSF AV C++, 145 of 227 rules (64%) are implicitly checkable.
  • For ISO/IEC TS 17961:2013, 37 of 46 rules (80%) are checked.
  • The compliance matrices detail the level of support provided by the QA-MISRA static analyzer for each rule in these guidelines.
  • Support levels range from fully checked, indicating precise enforcement, to partially checked, implicitly checkable, and not checked.
  • Fully checked is the highest level of support, guaranteeing detection of violations.
  • The matrices provide useful information on the capabilities of QA-MISRA in enforcing these various coding guidelines.
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QA-MISRA Compliance Matrices for MISRA-C++:2008 & AUTOSAR C++14

QA-MISRA Compliance Matrices for MISRA-C++:2008 & AUTOSAR C++14

QA-MISRA is a robust static analyzer designed to identify and rectify coding guideline violations, ensuring software safety and security. It adheres to international standards such as MISRA-C:2004, MISRA-C:2012, MISRA-C++:2008, AUTOSAR C++14, ISO/IEC TS 17961:2013, CERT, JSF AV C++, and CWE rule sets. Additionally, it includes coding style rules and HIS-Metrics thresholds.

This document serves as the compliance matrix for MISRA C++:2008 and AUTOSAR C++14 rules and guidelines.

  • The document provides compliance matrices for the MISRA C++:2008 and AUTOSAR C++14 coding guidelines.
  • For MISRA C++:2008, 189 rules (82%) are checked, with 136 fully checked, 51 partially checked, and 2 implicitly checkable. 39 rules are not checked.
  • For AUTOSAR C++14, 292 rules (73%) are checked, with 210 fully checked, 78 partially checked, and 4 implicitly checkable. 105 rules are not checked.
  • The compliance matrices detail the level of support provided by the QA-MISRA static analyzer for each rule in the guidelines.
  • Support levels range from fully checked, indicating the rule is precisely checked, to partially checked, implicitly checkable, and not checked.
  • Fully checked is the highest level of support, indicating guaranteed detection of violations. Partially checked rules may miss some violations or check a simplified version of the rule.
  • The matrices provide useful information on the capabilities of the QA-MISRA tool in enforcing the MISRA C++ and AUTOSAR C++ coding standards.
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QA-MISRA Compliance Matrices for MISRA-C:2012 (including Amendments 1, 2 & 3)

QA-MISRA Compliance Matrices for MISRA-C:2012 (including Amendments 1, 2 & 3​)

QA-MISRA is a robust static analyzer designed to identify and rectify coding guideline violations, ensuring software safety and security. It adheres to international standards such as MISRA-C:2004, MISRA-C:2012, MISRA-C++:2008, AUTOSAR C++14, ISO/IEC TS 17961:2013, CERT, JSF AV C++, and CWE rule sets. Additionally, it includes coding style rules and HIS-Metrics thresholds.

This document provides a useful overview of QA-MISRA’s capabilities and limitations for verifying compliance with major coding guidelines and standards, especially MISRA C:2012 (including Amendments 1, 2 & 3).

  • The document provides compliance matrices for the MISRA C:2012 and its amendments coding guidelines.
  • For MISRA C:2012, 203 rules (99%) are checked, with 144 fully checked and 59 partially checked. Only 3 rules are not checked.
  • Amendment 1 adds 14 additional rules, most of which are at least partially checked.
  • Amendment 2 modifies 3 existing rules related to standard libraries.
  • Amendment 3 adds 23 new rules, the majority of which are fully checked.
  • The compliance matrices detail the level of support provided by the QA-MISRA static analyzer for each rule.
  • Support levels range from fully checked, indicating precise enforcement, to partially checked and not checked.
  • Fully checked is the highest level of support, guaranteeing detection of violations.
  • Partially checked rules may miss some violations or check a simplified version of the rule.
  • The matrices provide useful information on the capabilities of the QA-MISRA tool in enforcing the MISRA C:2012 guidelines and amendments.
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Cantata Command Line Installation

Cantata Command Line Installation

There are multiple parts to a Cantata installation depending on your specific environment and what functionality you are going to us

  • Configuring Licensing
  • Installing the Cantata base (or core) tools
  • Deploying or installing a Cantata compiler library
  • Installing the Cantata Eclipse user interface, or installing into an existing Eclipse Installation
  • Setting up Cantata Server, required by Cantata Trace and Team Reporting

The ‘Quick Installation’ performs all of the above parts for you.

After the Cantata base (or core) tools have been installed, compiler-specific libraries must be installed and configured for your platform. Section 3.1 of this guide provides instructions for installing the core tools and Eclipse user interface, and Section 5.1 describes the process of adding the libraries.

If you do not have a valid licence or access to a licence server in your organisation, you will need to arrange this before commencing the installation. Please contact your supplier or Cantata Technical Support (see Section 9.3).

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QA-MISRA en 90 secondes

QA-MISRA en 90 secondes

Avez-vous besoin d’un outil d’analyse statique robuste pour le langage C/C++ ?

Découvrez QA-MISRA, notre outil d’analyse statique permettant la conformité aux règles de codage pour les langages C et C++. Puissant et rapide, QA-MISRA surperforme la concurrence. Il apporte une grande flexibilité et un support intégré pour les normes de codage populaires telles que MISRA et AUTOSAR C++14.

Quelle que soit la norme de sécurité ou l’industrie pour laquelle vous développez votre logiciel embarqué, QA-MISRA vérifie votre code pour en garantir la conformité. Améliorez la qualité de votre logiciel et rationalisez votre processus de développement avec QA-MISRA dès aujourd’hui !

QA-MISRA in 90 Seconds

QA-MISRA in 90 Seconds

QA-MISRA in 90 Seconds

Are you looking for a static analysis tool for C/C++?

QA-MISRA is a powerful and fast static analysis tool designed to ensure compliance with coding standards, supporting C and C++ coding languages. QA-MISRA is highly extensible and flexible, offering built-in support for coding standards such as MISRA and AUTOSAR C++14 rules.

No matter the security standard or industry you are developing your embedded software for, QA-MISRA will meticulously review your code for compliance.